The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) can consider a complaint you have about a superannuation product you hold with a financial firm.

This page outlines the types of superannuation products we can consider complaints about, and what to do next if you want to make a complaint to us.

Superannuation complaints are subject to special rules and requirements. Unlike other complaints that AFCA considers, there are no monetary limits for superannuation complaints, and specific time limits apply to some superannuation complaints. Only certain people can make a complaint about a superannuation product.

Under our superannuation jurisdiction we consider a range of complaints relating to decisions and the conduct of superannuation trustees, insurers and other decision makers in relation to regulated superannuation funds, approved deposit funds, superannuation annuities and retirement savings accounts.

Complaints about self-managed superannuation funds, financial advice relating to superannuation that has not been provided by a superannuation trustee, or other investment products held outside superannuation, are not classed as superannuation complaints and are considered under our investments and advice jurisdiction.

There are some things you can’t complain about to AFCA in relation to superannuation. More information is available in our Rules, the Operational Guidelines, and the Transitional Superannuation Guide.

Case Study

Changes to superannuation

The Government has announced legislation to safeguard Australians' superannuation savings from excessive fees, unnecessary insurance and the costs of inadvertently holding multiple superannuation accounts.

Find out more about these changes


Superannuation products include the following:

  • superannuation annuities
  • corporate, industry and retail super funds
  • self-managed super funds (handled under our investments and advice jurisdiction)
  • approved deposit funds
  • some public sector schemes
  • small funds
  • retirement savings accounts.

Detailed information about these different types of superannuation products is following to help you decided if you want to complain to us.

Financial hardship and superannuation

If you are experiencing severe financial hardship and you want to complain to us about a decision not to release your superannuation to you, please contact us.

You can also read more about financial hardship and superannuation. 

Issues and problems you can complain about 

  • Advice you were given about a superannuation product.
  • Fees or costs that were incorrectly charged or calculated (not fees or costs that you think are too high).
  • Information you weren’t given about the product, including fees or costs.
  • Errors in information provided to you; for example, if your benefit statements are incorrect.
  • If you’re in severe financial hardship and want to access your super early then statutory conditions apply.
  • Decisions that your superannuation provider has made, including decisions about an application for insurance held through superannuation.
  • Decisions about a disability claim you have made, including where the claim involves insurance cover held through your superannuation fund.
  • Payment of a death benefit.
  • An unreasonable delay in paying a benefit.
  • If you gave instructions (for example, to switch your investment option or to change your insurance cover) and they weren’t followed.
  • Transactions that were incorrect or unauthorised.

More detailed information about these issues is following to help you decide if you want to complain to us.

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Other important information about superannuation complaints

Our Operational Guidelines and Rules provide detailed additional information about superannuation complaints, including who can raise a complaint with us, and the process surrounding superannuation issues. We also have a Transitional Superannuation Guide that contains information specifically relevant to superannuation complaints.

What to do next

You can make a complaint to AFCA online, by letter, email or by phoning us.

If you don’t want to complain to us directly, you can go back to your financial firm and ask to make a complaint to their internal dispute resolution team.

Your financial firm should be able to provide you with information about how to make a complaint to them.

We also have some tips available to help you make an internal complaint.

Make a complaint

Superannuation complaints with the SCT

Existing complaints

If you have an existing complaint with the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT) you cannot withdraw your complaint and re-lodge it with AFCA.

If you have any questions about your SCT complaint please contact the SCT on 1300 884 114.
If you believe an exception should be made, please call us to discuss your situation on 1800 931 678

For more information download: Superannuation complaints fact sheet [PDF]

Previous complaints

If you have previously withdrawn your complaint from the SCT, but your complaint has not been dealt with through a negotiated or conciliated agreement, or a decision issued by the SCT, please contact us to discuss your situation on 1800 931 678.

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